The current rollout of the vaccination process in the country has lifted the hopes and spirits of us all after what has been a very difficult year for everyone. We continue to hope and pray that our lives can return to normal as soon as possible.
In the absence of any indication of when public worship can recommence we have decided to postpone the setting of dates for the celebration of the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation until September of this year for those children currently in Second Class and Sixth Class.
We still hope to be able to celebrate First Penance and First Communion for children currently in Third Class before the Summer break but that will depend on public health advice.
It is vital for us to be able to communicate directly with parents/guardians and so we would kindly ask you to fill in the Registration Form that you son/daughter brought home and return it to your child’s class teacher by Thursday, March 25th.
We appreciate your co-operation and look forward to being able to celebrate the sacraments in due course.