During this Lenten season, the Parish invites all parishioners to leave your pain and suffering at the Cross. The Garment of Pain is a simple way of drawing together the experiences of pain and suffering of many people, in a way that enables us to support one another in prayer.
Over the period of Lent, we invite you to place a piece of material - roughly 6x6 inches - in the baskets provided in our Churches. The cloth represents whatever your particular pain in life happens to be. During Lent, we will remember the intentions of those who have placed their cloth in the baskets in all our Masses. In Holy Week, the pieces will be sewn together to form one big Patchwork Quilt. During the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, we will place the cloth on the altar to symbolically unite our suffering with the offering of Christ in the Mass. On Good Friday the cloth will be draped over the Cross which is the focus of our prayer that day. During our Easter Vigil, we will place the Garment of Pain in the Paschal fire to symbolise that the light of Christ is always greater than our suffering and pain.