For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer. 29:11
From next weekend 23rd September, we begin a revised Mass schedule in St. Conleth’s Church and in Cill Mhuire. This new arrangement is necessitated by the falling number of priests, and by the greater responsibility which the priests of Newbridge Parish now bear for surrounding parishes.
Originally we had hoped to engage in a process of discussion around these changes with a view to introducing them in early December. However, having lost two priests over the Summer who were celebrating Sunday Masses here, we have no option other than to introduce the new arrangements from next week.
We are expecting a new curate from India at some time; but unfortunately, due to the visa application system, we don’t have any firm date yet for his arrival.
Both churches have lost a weekend Mass. We recognise that this will involve change for many people and change is always difficult, but the present situation does not allow for any alternatives.
In times of change it is easy to sink into negativity about the future. However as a people of faith we believe that God’s plan is to prosper us, not to destroy us. The future will look different but what is important is that there is a future. The Church exists first and foremost to bring Christ to the people. As a parish we will continue to look for new, creative and imaginative ways to fulfil that mission.
In this new and challenging time Christ is calling us, not to despair, but to trust in His promise that the Church will endure and that he is with us until the end of time.